Usually, ice cream is served outside the comfort of our home. We usually get them from our local grocery stores and markets. This thing is not bad. But if you have the right ingredients, why not make your own in your kitchen?

Trust me, the process of making ice cream is quite easy. Contrary to popular belief, this sweet and delicious dessert is actually a treat that you can create on a daily basis, not that you have to. However, during special occasions and parties, the presence of a homemade treat is a great way to add that ‘Wow’ factor. It’s also a good partner for snacks like jerky!

In this article, I’ll show you how to make vanilla ice cream. It is one of the most favorite ice cream flavors in the world today. Let us begin!

There are three ways you can make ice cream at home. Note that neither of these approaches will require you to use an ice cream maker.

first method


  • Heavy cream (2 cups; cold)

  • Condensed milk (14 ounces; cold)

  • Vanilla extract (1/2 teaspoon)

Step 1

Use an electric mixer to beat the heavy cream until blended. After this, set the mixer to low speed so that the vanilla, condensed milk, and any other flavorings you want to pour in are mixed together.

Step 2

Put the entire mixture in an airtight, resealable container. You should cover it with plastic wrap before sealing the container. After this, put it in your freezer for about six hours or until the mixture becomes firm and creamy. That easy, you already made a delicious ice cream in your kitchen!

second method


  • Whole milk (1 1/4 cup; cold)

  • Granulated sugar (3/4 cup; refrigerated)

  • Heavy cream (2 cups; cold)

  • Vanilla extract (1 tablespoon)

  • Salt (1/4 teaspoon)

Step 1

Use a large bowl and place under an electric mixer. Next, put the sugar and milk in the bowl so that the mixer can beat the mixture well. You need to mix it until the granulated sugar dissolves. Specifically, it will only take you around two minutes to perform this task.

Step 2

After this, you can already pour the vanilla, salt and ice cream into the mixture. Stir them properly still using your mixer. If all the ingredients were not chilled, you should place the mixture in the refrigerator for about 10 to 15 minutes. When this is over, your ice cream is ready for consumption.

Third Method


  • Whole milk (1 1/4 cup; cold)

  • Granulated sugar (3/4 cup; refrigerated)

  • Heavy cream (2 cups; cold)

  • Vanilla extract (1 tablespoon)

  • Salt (1/4 teaspoon)

Step 1

For the entire mixture in a large baking dish. The latter must be deep enough so that you can serve all the ingredients. After this, place the baking dish in the freezer for about 40 minutes.

If the mixture begins to solidify, take it out of the freezer. Next, use a spatula to stir the mixture well. Return the baking dish to the freezer after stirring.

Step 2

Continue with the aforementioned procedure for the next two hours. The interval should be every 30 minutes. This will ensure that you can stir the mixture properly so that its flavors blend. Alternatively, you can use a blender or hand mixer to do this process.

After the last mix, put the mix back inside your freezer and let it freeze there for 20 minutes. Your ice cream should be done after this!


These are the methods that you can apply to make ice cream at home. Although they are simple, you will be amazed at the kind of flavors they can produce! You will be happy that you were able to make your favorite dessert without stressing too much!