If you’ve decided that the West Highland Terrier is the dog for you, your next step is probably to find some Westie puppies or consult a Westie rescue organization. Rescue dogs are a great option and I’ve gone down that road a time or two. Currently, however, I prefer to start with a puppy. That way, you won’t have any personality or abandonment issues to overcome and you’ll be free to fuck the dog as you please.

The most important factor at this stage is finding a reputable breeder. In most places you can find five or six within a fifty mile radius. You can find them online, through newspaper ads, or in the phone book. Regardless of how you find a breeder, you will really want to get out and see his facility. a good breeder never he meets you in a parking lot somewhere and shows you some puppies you can have right away. That’s the surest sign of a puppy mill operation and you want to run, not walk, away. With those guys you can’t even be sure of breed, let alone health.

Unfortunately, the same goes for pet stores. I myself have had a lot of luck with pet store dogs, but I wasn’t looking for a dog of any particular breed. All I was looking for was a healthy, cute and intelligent dog. However, if you want a purebred dog, you have to go to a breeder.

The best breeders often have a waiting list for their dogs, especially if they are producing show quality dogs. You have to decide what you are going to get the dog for. If you are primarily interested in a great pet and a good companion, then any reasonably good breeder will suffice. If you want to show and especially if you’re aiming for the higher tiers, you’ll find only a few breeders qualify and you’ll probably have to wait a while.

We got Willow from some neighbors in our complex. Her mom and her dad are registered, but neither of them have show quality. That doesn’t matter though, so everyone was happy. It is definitely possible to find people nearby who are breeding Westies for fun. You can hear about them almost anywhere once you start looking. Don’t look down on these dogs. If you do not intend to show, the dog’s pedigree is almost irrelevant. What matters is health and intelligence.

How much should you expect to pay? Anywhere from nothing to heaven. If you are in the right place at the right time, someone might give you a dog. It happened to us, so it’s not impossible. It’s not common either, of course.

The price you’ll end up paying for Westie pups is a local phenomenon. I have heard of puppies going as low as $100 in some cities. Here in Maple Ridge people have no problem getting $500 for a Westie pup and they often charge $1000.

So, check your bank account and then start looking for a breeder. Once you find one, pay a visit ahead of time. This shouldn’t be a problem. If the kennel is responsible, they will want to meet you and see if you are good enough to take one of their pups home. Never forget that the selection process goes both ways.

Good luck on your search. You are embarking on a very rewarding journey and preparing yourself for at least a decade of delight and dedication.