From teenagers to mature adults, winter weather can have adverse effects on the skin, regardless of age or skin type. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to prevent winter skin damage, restore natural moisture and elasticity, and improve skin tone. For glowing skin that lasts all season, consider these winter skin care tips!

Cold weather means warmer skin

Although cold weather is, in fact, cold, just the opposite is a common cause of dry, irritable skin in the winter. When it’s cold outside, we tend to do more to keep warm. This includes taking hotter showers (possibly more frequently), using heating pads and heating blankets, leaving heaters and ovens on longer, sitting by the fireplace more often, etc.

All this added heat causes the skin to lose more of its natural oils, which it can’t restore effectively enough. This can lead to dry, tight, flaky, and irritable skin. In more serious cases, the skin can crack, as can the lips, which is another area that requires extra care in the winter.

Treatment of skin damage in winter

The remedy for this is to increase your moisturizer regimen. In the winter months, switch to a stronger, thicker moisturizer that provides long-lasting comfort and protection. You can even consider over-the-counter dermatologist-grade creams, such as Eucerin, Aquaphor, Gold Bonds, or Cetaphil. These are advanced repair healing ointments available at your local drugstore or convenience store.

When starting a winter fur regiment, it is important that you follow and maintain a consistent schedule. Apply your choice of healing salve every morning and evening (and as needed throughout the day) to all dry and affected areas, as well as elbows, knees, knuckles, heels, and toes. Don’t skip a single day, or you may feel the effects of dry skin returning.

Be sure to also get plenty of these 3 things:

Drink lots of water! Water Moisturizes the skin and keeps it smooth, fresh and bright.

Get enough sleep! Sleep is good and very necessary for the whole body.

Get lots of vitamin D! Your skin tone is brightened and improved with a touch of vitamin D.

Vitamin D is excellent for the skin. Not only does it make your skin look brighter and healthier, it also gives you more confidence when you have a subtle, natural-looking glow. So how do you get a great glow in the sunless winter? Just visit a local tanning salon for an instant vitamin D recharge! Tanning beds provide the recommended weekly dose of vitamin D, so you can feel good and look good at the same time!