The dark web is a part of the online world that is not conventionally accessible. Different types of software and computer skills are needed to access the content in this space. As a parent, nothing can be more important than monitoring your child’s internet access and tracking their activities. However, it is easy for children in the modern digital age to find and learn how to use specific types of software to access disturbing content online, buy and sell illegal items, etc.

The advancement of technology has allowed children to learn and grow in many aspects of life. The many opportunities provided by platforms such as YouTube and Instagram are one of the positive effects of the Internet. Search engines like Google have changed the rules of the game when it comes to online education and knowledge seeking.

There are many parents whose knowledge of the Internet does not exceed the use of social networks such as Facebook and YouTube or simply googling random things. However, to the dismay of many, there is a completely different world on the World Wide Web, which is known as the dark web.

The Internet has generically three subdivisions. The interns, which are part of our daily use, the deep web that is useful for the government and the dark web.

This area of ​​the Internet is only accessible to people who are invited to use its interface or use special software to enter these domains. You might find very disturbing and creepy information about the dark web on the internet. There has been only Google was a basic HTML format.

The deep web and the dark web differ in many ways; they are predominantly not easily accessible to people unaware of their existence. In short, you will not only stumble upon it, however, as parents, you cannot be satisfied with this, in today’s world information and especially a mysterious phenomenon like this is a curiosity for most young people.

Your child may not be specifically looking for your content, but simply browsing out of curiosity. This is as bad as looking for it on purpose. As a parent, here is what you need to know about this disturbing trend:

1. Accessibility

As mentioned above, you can’t just access the dark web like you can with other websites on the internet. But it’s not rocket science either; You can easily find the procedure and download the necessary software to access this area simply by searching for it in the usual search engines. If your child has access to a bank account or can pay online, they may only be able to join the websites and communities on that side of the internet.

2. The BitCoin

This is a digital currency, a payment system that has no repository and cannot be linked to a single administrator. All of your transactions are peer-to-peer and this is the currency used on the dark web. If your child can pay online, they can easily buy this cryptocurrency and access the dark web to make unconventional purchases or get memberships.

3. How bad is it?

The Dark Web is the part of the Internet where all illegal activities, drug trafficking and other unimaginable actions take place. You get free access to forums that promote content like child trafficking, hitmen, drugs, and even cannibalism. This is not what anyone wants their children to be a part of.

There are horrible stories and experiences about the dark web that will shake you to the core. People who have accessed these websites claim that, despite being anonymous, there is no identity security; Once you log in, you may find yourself on pages that contain content that shouldn’t even exist by human and ethical standards. There are no warnings or barriers to navigation; With just one click, you can end up on a page that offers you cult membership or the opportunity to join extremist groups.

Bottom line

You can only access this nefarious part of the internet when you use the Tor browser; it is a browser very similar to Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer. If you find this on your child’s computer or phone, it’s time to take the necessary steps to ensure that your child is not exposed to potentially malicious content. However, some authors and internet enthusiasts argue that the whole concept is a myth and that there may be useful data and information available on the dark web. However, an immature and curious mind does not know where to draw a line.