Although many people think that all Labrador Retrievers look alike, the truth is that we are just like people. We can develop with different colors, facial features, and bone structure. These traits may be the result of selective breeding, as many Labradors are selectively bred for use as show dogs (requiring certain appearance characteristics). Appearance characteristics generally have little to no effect on a Labrador Retriever’s overall temperament and have not been shown to affect a Labrador’s overall health.

Although many people think that a “Blockhead” Labrador refers to a dog that is particularly stubborn, the truth is that it is just another structural trait. A dumb Labrador has a more blunt and boxy head. English Labrador Retrievers are most commonly associated with the “Blockhead” trait, as this is an early representation of the Labrador breed. English Labrador Retrievers are generally bred more to resemble the historical foundations of the Labrador Retriever breed, which have box-shaped heads. American Labradors have been bred more for hunting and are favored for having a longer, narrower muzzle than English Labradors. This type of Labrador is also known as a “field dog”, not suitable for showing.

American Blockhead Labs are generally bred for this characteristic when they are to be used as show dogs. In general, most Lab image renderings show dogs that have a perfect Blockhead. This is considered an ideal representation of the Lab breed. Blockhead Labradors are rapidly losing popularity in America as many breeders choose to breed for characteristics such as hunting ability and temperament. Right now, however, a Labrador that is bred to have the goofy trait will fetch a much higher price than the average Labrador. This is because Blockhead Labradors still have potential use as show dogs.