A disaster has occurred in your home, in your neighborhood, in your city or in your state.

Being prepared for a disaster, before it happens, will help you and your family get through the danger when it happens.


1. An immediate risk to you and your family:

If you smell gas, smoke, or see a fire in your home, evacuate everyone immediately. Do not call for help from inside your home or return to retrieve an item. In such an emergency, only the life of your family is important. , Call 9-1-1 and report the emergency only from a safe location.

2. Official general evacuation orders:

If general evacuation orders are issued by local officials, immediately prepare to leave your home.

· Wear sturdy shoes, long-sleeved shirts, and pants.

Bring your travel bag.

If you have a pet, make sure they are wearing a collar, use a pet carrier labeled with your name and the pet’s name. Bring your pet’s Go-bag.

· Lock your house and turn off the water and electricity, but leave the gas on unless told otherwise.

Leave a note and tell a neighbor where you are going.

Use the evacuation routes and methods specified in the evacuation order.

Share the ride with neighbors whenever possible.

· Once you reach a safe location, call your out-of-area emergency contact. This is a person you know and have previously designated as your emergency contact. All family members should call this person as soon as they are in a safe place.

Disaster Shelters:

Immediately after a major disaster, suitable shelter sites will be selected from a list based on areas of need and the estimated number of evacuees. Because each site must be inspected before opening, it is not possible to say which sites will actually open when disaster strikes.

As soon as the disaster sites have been designated, the local media will announce their locations.

If you do not have an alternative, evacuate to a designated emergency shelter.

Tell your out of town contact where you are going.

Take your emergency kit (first aid kit and go-bag) to the shelter.

· Initially, emergency shelters may not be able to provide basic supplies and materials. Consider bringing additional items (eg, blanket, pillow, air mattress, towel, washcloth, diapers, food, and baby supplies).

· Take care of your pet: only service animals are allowed in “humane” shelters. If you are unable to make other plans for your pets, Animal Care staff will be available at the “human” shelters to assist with pet sheltering needs.

Electric power failure:

Power outages can occur due to blackouts, extreme weather conditions, or can accompany other disasters such as earthquakes or terrorism. If there is no electricity in your neighborhood:

Turn off and unplug appliances and computers. Leave a light on to indicate when power has been restored.

· Avoid using regular wax candles; They are fire hazards.

· Do not use a gas stove for heat or run generators indoors (including the garage). Both can cause carbon monoxide poisoning.

If the traffic lights are not working, treat them as a stop sign.


If you are inside when the shaking starts:

· Drop to the ground, cover your head and hold on. If you are not near a sturdy table or desk, drop to the floor against an interior wall or doorway and cover your head and neck with your arms.

· Avoid being under or near windows, hanging objects, mirrors, tall furniture, large appliances, and cabinets full of heavy objects.

· Do not attempt to exit the building during strong shaking.

· If you are in the city center, it is safer to stay inside a building after an earthquake unless there is a fire or gas leak. Remember that there are no open areas in downtown San Francisco far enough from glass or falling debris to be considered safe. It may be the same in your city.

· Broken glass from tall buildings can travel great distances when caught in the wind.

If you are in bed, stay there and cover your head with a pillow.

· Do not use elevators during or after an earthquake.

If you are in a wheelchair, block the wheels and cover your head.

If you are outdoors when the shaking begins:

· Move to a clear, open area if you can walk safely. Avoid power lines, buildings, and trees.

· If you are driving, pull over to the side of the road and stop. Do not stop under elevated danger.

· If you are on the beach, move to higher ground as soon as possible. An earthquake can cause a tsunami.

Once the shaking from the earthquake stops:

Check those around you for injuries and provide first aid to the injured. Do not move seriously injured people unless they are in immediate danger.

Look around for hazardous conditions, such as fires, downed power lines, and structural damage, before moving.

If you have fire extinguishers and are trained to use them, put out small fires immediately.

· Check your phones to make sure they haven’t gone off the hook and are blocking a line.

Turn off the gas supply only if you smell gas.

· Inspect your home for damage.

If you are trapped in rubble and cannot free yourself:

· Move as little as possible so as not to stir up more dust. Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue or piece of clothing.

Tap on a pipe or wall so rescuers can hear where you are. Use a whistle if one is available. Yell only as a last resort.

Severe Storm / Flooding

Severe storms can cause mudslides, flooding, uprooted trees, and downed utility lines. Be aware of these potential hazards in and around your neighborhood.

· Tune in to local radio/TV channels for emergency information and instructions.

If you are asked to leave your property, turn off electrical circuits. If your local utility company advises it, turn off the gas service as well.

If water has entered your garage or basement, do not walk through it as it may contain hazardous materials.

· Never attempt to drive on a flooded road. This bug is the leading cause of death during and after severe flooding.

· If your car stops, leave it immediately. Attempting to move a stopped vehicle in flood conditions can be fatal.

· Do not walk in moving water. Unexpected water depth and current can sweep you away. If you must walk in water, walk where the water will not move and use a stick to check the ground in front of you.

· Stay away from downed power lines.

· Do not allow children to play around fast-moving water, storm drains, or flooded areas.

I hope this information helps you and your family in any emergency situation you may face.

Remember, and I cannot stress this enough, nothing can help you and your family during a disaster like being prepared. before Happens.

alan wright

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