Today it is virtually impossible to read a newspaper, listen to the radio, watch television or surf the web without coming across a “silver bullet” that claims to easily relieve the significant amount of debt that millions of people have incurred and cannot afford. pay. These tough economic times have spawned a heartless cottage industry that sells false hopes that prey on the desperation and fear of people with serious financial problems who suffer daily from painful stress and anxiety.

There is a bottomless chasm of “cure all” solutions ranging from debt consolidation to bankruptcy and various schemes in between, all with a happy camper extolling the virtues of each through a testimonial. Several debt consolidation companies have branded themselves “not for profit” and use the perception of that status as an incentive to make easy profits… but “not for profit” and making money have nothing to do with it.

These enterprising people know full well that desperate people do desperate things, and clinging to hope without carefully considering the big picture is all too common. This predictable psychological behavior makes them easy prey who will most likely buy a “silver bullet” to quickly end their financial woes and relieve constant pressure.

The target market for these companies are decent middle class people who have never been in this terrible situation before. They are scared, under pressure, don’t know what to do, and are extremely vulnerable. For the most part, they are proud, hard-working people who cannot pay all their creditors and, as a result, are experiencing the horrors of debt collectors, lawsuits, and the threat of foreclosure. They cannot afford a lawyer and must face an unknown situation that represents financial ruin without professional help.

The truth of the matter is cold and simple: there is no silver bullet. Unpaid debt is real, and it won’t magically disappear. If relief is possible, it can only come through the implementation and execution of a plan based on reality, not fantasy and hope.

A solid plan starts with knowledge – making smart decisions is enabled by understanding the debt collection process and its consequences. Without competent legal advice, a lay person facing extreme financial problems, litigation, and foreclosures is a fish out of water and will slowly die because legal fees are not financially feasible.

Here’s the silver bullet: face the reality of your situation and respond intelligently. If you’re ready to get out of fantasy land and save your financial future, spend some time learning about the legal process related to collection claims online or at your local law library. It’s simple and easy to understand… and don’t be intimidated, it’s a far cry from rocket science.

These valuable resources will enable you to find and use the same delay tactics, laws, and applicable forms that defense attorneys representing debtors use every day. You’ll learn how to “buy” months of time, ease the pressure, wear down creditor lawyers and erode your profits, and settle debt favorably. Yes, you can also do it if the desire is there.

Debt Prioritization – If you are facing the possibility of foreclosure and want to keep your house paying off, the lender should become PRIORITY over all other debt except utilities. Follow the advice above about the collection process and you’ll find that the remedies from an unsecured creditor, eg credit card, pale in comparison to losing your home. You’ll also gain valuable time to make smart decisions while keeping a safe roof over your family.

This information is real and the choice is yours.