Online Prenatal YTT

Pregnancy is one of the most awaited moments in the life of every woman and a powerful chapter in the journey of motherhood. It is the perfect time to delve deep into yoga to support women in their transition into motherhood. Prenatal yoga offers a wide variety of poses that enhance strength, flexibility and promotes relaxation and healing throughout the entire pregnancy. These classes help mothers and aspiring mothers find peace during this beautiful, yet challenging phase of life.

Our prenatal ytt online is led by experienced teachers who are mothers and doulas. This specialized training provides all of the knowledge and skills you need to teach Prenatal Yoga with confidence. It also includes an experiential learning approach that will ensure you are able to deliver a truly transformational experience to your future pregnant students.

During this training, you will learn to modify yoga poses to safely accommodate expectant students in all trimesters of their pregnancy and guide them towards a more conscious + connected birthing experience. You will also learn to use yoga pranayama and meditation to nurture pregnant women and help them to relax, release stress, reduce anxiety, and create a safe space for their baby to grow.

Radiant Motherhood – Online Prenatal YTT

You will also explore the deeper layers of yoga practice including a deeper understanding of anatomy in each trimester of pregnancy, how to use props in prenatal yoga and in class and you will learn how to use yoga philosophy principles to inspire and empower your pregnant students during this special time of their lives.

As part of this program, you will also have the opportunity to complete a practical and hands-on case study assignment where you will have the chance to create a Prenatal Yoga class to teach to an actual pregnant student. This is a fun, rewarding and extremely useful exercise that will help you to bring all of the key knowledge together about safely teaching pregnant and postnatal students.

This YTT is designed to be completed at your own pace and you will have access to all of the modules for life as well as the course materials that come with it. Each Module will have video lessons, a reading list, a self-assessment quiz and homework assignments. You will also be guided through the practice of observing and participating in a live Prenatal Yoga class with a mentor, Clare Newman.

Once you have completed the YTT, you will be eligible to apply for RPYT status with Yoga Alliance. This means you will be fully qualified to teach Prenatal and Postnatal Yoga. This is a great way to diversify your yoga teacher resume and increase your earning potential!