A kitchen stand mixer is a machine used in the kitchen to reduce the time you spend cooking. When you decide to buy a kitchen mixer, you will have a hard time at first because there are so many varieties on the market that have rave reviews that you won’t be able to choose which one to choose. Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of Kitchen Aid Artisan stand mixers that will help you choose the right machine for your kitchen.

One quality of this stand mixer that sets it apart from other stand mixers is its size. Its large five-quart steel bowl allows for multiple batches to be mixed at once. This is a great feature that saves you cooking time unlike those with a smaller bowl that you will have to use one at a time.

The Kitchen Aid Artisan Stand Mixer is designed with a very powerful three hundred and twenty five watt motor. This quality allows you to handle not only multiple recipes at the same time, but also batches containing nine cups of all-purpose flour. It also has a slide that has ten speeds for easy adjustment when beating, mixing and stirring. The beaters inside the mixer come into contact with the bowl at sixty-seven different points so that all the ingredients mix well without leaving any lumps.

Another great quality of the stand mixer is that it can perform various functions such as making pasta, cutting vegetables, and opening cans. This is because it has several useful accessories that will come in handy in the kitchen. The Kitchen Aid Mixer Artisan also comes in different colors that provide a range of colors that you can choose from based on your preference or the theme color of your kitchen.

It is made with a large capacity tilting head that allows easy access to ingredients, beaters and also to the bowl. The appliance also offers a one-year warranty, so in the event that it becomes ineffective or you have any issues that may arise with the stand mixer, you can easily replace it. This is done by the company, all you have to do is report it and they will send a Craftsman to your home with a new one and collect the defective one.

One of the downsides of the Craftsman Kitchen Aid Mixer is that it is tall and may not fit under the kitchen cabinet while it is running. This is because the lid for the mixer to move up. Therefore, you will need to ensure that you have a proper rhythm before you start working with it.

Sometimes the bowl may not be strong enough to meet the requirements when preparing with whole wheat flour or in multiple batches. The mixer is also not stable for mixing heavy ingredients when mixing multiple batches, unlike the tilting head ones.