It’s never a good sign to say my wife is unhappy or to type something like that into a search engine.

If you feel like your marriage is falling apart…the truth is, you might be right. But the other part of that truth is that there is hope and a way to fix it.

This happens in a lot of marriages, and frankly, there’s usually one main reason that puts you in a position where you say my wife isn’t happy.

The reason why your wife is not happy…

Since you’re reading this, I can assume it’s because your wife isn’t happy most of the time, and not just today. So therefore there’s starting to be a pattern here.

And I’m also going to assume that you feel like she’s not happy with you. If she is not at all happy with everything, then there is a chance that she is depressed or dealing with some other mental anguish. That is totally different than your wife not being with you.

Now here’s the thing that might be hard to swallow. If your wife is not happy with you, she is most likely because of you and the person you have become. That’s hard for many people to swallow and hard for most husbands to accept.

In fact, it was for me. I was in a marriage that was having big problems, so I fixed that aspect of my marriage. Things were looking good, but then my wife started slipping away again and I realized (after some research) what was going on.

I said to myself “my wife is not happy because I have not been the type of man that she instinctively wants”. In other words I have taken the opportunity to be the man of the house. I have stopped being the king of my castle and leading my family.

The funny part is that if you asked my wife, or your wife, they would both probably say that this is not entirely true and that they wanted a man who would take care of them and love them, tell them sweet things, buy them sweet things. things, and I didn’t even dream of rocking the boat at home. They will tell you that they want a man who never looks at other women, and he would never dream of wanting self time or a man cave.

But when you study anthropology like I did to find out what the hell was going on and why I was stuck saying my wife isn’t happy… and when you study socialism and human dynamics, you start to see that even your wife isn’t happy. I don’t know what the hell she consciously wants.

That’s because the traits of the MAN that makes her happy are buried deep in her DNA. This is why she has been consciously trying to change you ever since she got you, and why she continues to grow more and more unhappy with you as time goes on.

She is literally turning you into exactly what she doesn’t want you to be. She is turning you into a beta-ized male, and deep down, instinctively at a primal level, she is not programmed to be attracted to that type of man. She wants a man who is the king of the castle and the leader.

When you start to become that, you will see, as I instantly saw, that his attitude towards you begins to change. Her attraction to you increases and she is happier on an extremely deep level because that’s who she really is. That’s when you stop having to say my wife isn’t happy!