Where attention goes… Energy flows. What we give our attention to, we give our energy to. You can physically see this happen by dangling a necklace from your hand and making it move with your mind.

In feng shui, the energy is called chi. Chi flows through our homes and through our bodies. And we can focus the chi in our body with our mind. Everything is made of energy and our thoughts are a form of energy that we can shape with our consciousness. “Move it with your mind” is a simple technique that anyone can do. You will need a necklace made of any type of metal and a lightweight pendant on the end. All you have to do is look at the pendant and THINK about the way you want it to move and it should start moving that way. You can move it in a circle clockwise or counterclockwise or from one side to the other. You can move it one way, stop it, and move it another way.

You’re not going to move the necklace with your hand, you’re going to move it with your mind, so you want to keep your arm as still as possible. Put your elbow on your knee to help keep your arm still. Hold the necklace chain with the thumb and forefinger of your writing hand. And hold the pendant about an inch above the palm of your other hand. Then think about the way you want it to move and it will move that way.

And that’s how it works. Where attention goes… energy flows. So what are you giving your energy to?