Body piercing is a culture whose roots go back to ancient human history. The piercing procedure involves piercing a certain part of the body to create an opening to insert a piece of jewelry. As already mentioned, it has been practiced for centuries among various tribal cultures such as African, Australian, Mexican, Indian, and many others. People used to adorn and modify their bodies with the help of rings, plates, fangs inserted into their ears, lips, noses, and many other parts of their bodies. But ear piercing has definitely always been at the top of the popularity list. The ear does not take long to heal and is easy to care for, plus there is a wide variety of jewelry to choose from so you can change it whenever you want and look different every day.

Ear accessories vary depending on your gauge size. You can start with 0.8mm, which is equivalent to the size of 20ga, and go up to 0ga, which is 8mm. Recent trends show that it has become very stylish to wear large gauges and earplugs starting at size 8ga and wider. And if you sign up, we are here to give you some valuable advice on how to get such a cool piercing, keep it in perfect health and choose the right accessories to look unique every day. With the decision to get your ears pierced, you need to understand that, as a rule, it is done for a long time and becomes a unique part of you. That is why it must be a well thought out decision.

In general, there are three ways to insert a pair of large-gauge earplugs. The first, which is both the most painless and humane, consists of stretching a small earlobe, opening it to the desired width. The second way represents a rather painful procedure of the so-called scalpel. A surgical scalpel is used to cut through an earlobe so that a large gauge can fit snugly. It shortens the hole expansion time and allows your intact ears to get wide and fresh meat tunnels in no time. Still, it is not recommended by professional specialists because it can cause blood loss and is quite painful and takes longer to heal. The third way is called piercing and is carried out with the help of a special razor pressed into the lobe. Then he cuts out a circular piece of meat and puts on a large plug. It is the least recommended way to create a piercing of this type, since it is very painful and there is no way to obstruct those openings of flesh. Most professionals recommend gradual tightening of the earlobes. It is easily accomplished by using quality hole expanders and varying the gauge of your fittings.

Remember that the best way to start with a large bore piercing is to have it tapped by a professional piercer. Once the puncture is made, you are responsible for taking care of it. It involves gentle stretching, daily disinfection, wearing head protection in cold weather, and choosing high-quality materials for your plugs, tunnels, rings, and other accessories. Following this advice will help you keep your piercing in good condition and enjoy it.