Did John Christie invent a free energy device that would solve the world’s dependence on oil and allow anyone to generate their own electricity for free? In this article, I’ll tell you who John Christie is and what he did in 2001. I’ll ask you if his invention changed the world and what you can do today in 2011 to generate your own electricity for free.

John Christie and the Lutec 1000

John Christie, an Australian mechanical engineer, released a device to the world in 2001. It was called the “Lutec 1000” and was developed by him and an electrician friend, Lou Brits. His device was claimed to be the first free energy magnetic motor generator to be released commercially.

Despite many early promises, nothing on a commercial scale ever materialized, although there are many video demonstrations of the device’s operation that can be easily found on the internet.

Why wasn’t it a commercial success?

Many of these pioneers are good at inventing, but lack the business savvy to take a great product from prototype to mass distribution.

Think of the typical genius innovator on a TV show like Dragons Den and compare them to the Dragons who know how to make multi-million dollar deals and it makes a world of difference.

It is also thought that his work was sabotaged or suppressed to avoid a commercial reality. Such industrial sabotage of magnetic motor devices has been going on for decades and is believed to be committed by oil industry cartels and others with vested interests in the status quo, including even national governments.

What is “free energy” and how does it work?

These engines use technology for a relatively new fringe area of ​​physics known as “zero ground.” This says that we do not need to depend on oil for our energy needs, but that we can in fact create energy through other means.

John Christie’s invention is like many other similar motors in that it uses strategically placed magnets to convert the forces due to magnetism into mechanical (usually rotary) motion.

How can I generate my own electricity?

Commercial magnetic motors are less than five years away from launch, but if you want to stop paying your energy bills right now, your best bet is to make your own device, a task that’s even simpler than making your own solar panel. or wind turbine. .