Ebooks present an amazing variety of opportunities to write articles that could keep you going for months. These information products are among the most versatile creations online, so here are 3 themes to offer readers:

1. Covers of electronic books. There are few arguments against the opinion of good covers. An attractive and seductive cover, with good graphics and attractive writing will present a professional look to any e-book from the word “go”. It’s a psychological thing: if people see a well-presented product, they’re also likely to find the content to be just as enjoyable to look at and read. Software packages like Photoshop offer incredible scope for designing truly eye-catching covers.

2. Titles and sources. Choose carefully to match the cover you have chosen or designed. Don’t be disappointed with a poor, unimaginative title. Write down some ideas and be as creative as you can. It’s easier if you use the main keywords for your niche topic and then build additional copy around them: use some emotionally charged words that trigger your audience’s instincts. Using an image editing software tool, you can further emphasize and adjust the appearance of your title, by playing with the font size, its color, placement, and various other magical features that you can use with these tools.

3. What will the inside of your eBook look like? The cover, headline, and content should all complement each other, so by the time you’ve written your high-quality content, the way it’s laid out on the pages adds to the overall package of your product.