Fentanyl Drug

When it comes to opioids, Fentanyl Drug and heroin are the two worst culprits. These two drugs have now surpassed deaths from prescription medications to account for almost 25% of all drug deaths. Fentanyl and heroin have also reached epidemic proportions. The question is; how did these drugs get to be so popular?

As Fentanyl and Heroin become more popular, they start to show up in other drugs like Actiq. Actiq is an injectable drug that can be used for non-medical use or in conjunction with other drugs like Fentanyl. It is one of the new prescription pain management products to hit the market in recent years. So what does it do and is there a correlation between the two?

While there are not many reported deaths from Act, there have been many in patients using other drugs like Fentanyl and Heroin. There are many overdoses on Fentanyl that have occurred both in hospitals and in the community and the majority of the overdoses were caused by the combination of the two drugs. In fact, one in three Fentanyl overdoses occur as a result of mixing Fentanyl with another drug.

Threat From Prescription Opioids

There is a lot of debate over the idea that Fentanyl is a highly-anxious or powerful drug. However, this is not entirely true. While it has all the physical and psychological aspects of an opioid, Fentanyl lacks the oxygen carrying opioid receptors in the brain. This lack of receptor blocking gives it its distinct and powerful feel-good quality. It creates a sense of euphoria that is not comparable to most other pain relievers like heroin and morphine.

With the rise in opioid use, there is also a significant increase in the amount of supply coming onto the market. This has caused the price of Fentanyl to rise, which is ironic since it was highly considered a cheaper, less potent drug than most other opioids. The increase in supply of Fentanyl combined with the perception that Fentanyl is now extremely powerful has created a perfect storm for users to get prescriptions of Fentanyl with no prescriptions. This has created a huge increase in demand and an even greater increase in prices.

If you or someone you know are addicted to prescription pain pills, it is especially important to seek treatment immediately. Prescription drugs are highly-risky, particularly opioids, and should only be administered through a doctor if medical necessity arise. Please visit the website below for more information on how to seek help for your addiction to prescription pain pills. The resources provided will offer you the tools, information, and support necessary to become well and healthy again.