On March 8, 2011, women around the world celebrated the centenary of International Women’s Day. However, with the phenomena of female feticide and female infanticide, the emancipation of women still has a long way to go.

female feticide

The life cycle of a child begins with a fertilized egg. This almost microscopic particle undergoes prodigious developmental transformations. It turns in a sequence of rapid movements into a living pulsating embryo, fetus, newborn, infant, toddler, preschooler, school-age child, adolescent, and adult.

Some political leaders defend the practice of female feticide or selective abortion by sex, arguing that the population should be regulated. Killing certain segments of the population is an immoral way of addressing the population problem. The essence of human rights is that some means can never be used to protect a society because their use violates the very values ​​that make society worth protecting.

female infanticide

Not all children born in some parts of the world are raised. If the baby is a girl, she kills it.

In countries where female infanticide is rampant, more boys than girls survive the first year of life, a reversal of the usual pattern in countries where children receive equal care regardless of gender.

Traditional practices are the main factors behind the killing of girls. Female infanticide allows families to ensure that the male line continues, since family descent is through males. Female infanticide is also fueled by other factors such as prejudice.

Even when the girls live, their fate is grim. They may not survive to be five years old, and if they do, malnutrition, poor health, illiteracy and unemployment can plague their lives.

Female infanticide and gross gender inequality mock the rights of the girl child. Children are the future of any nation, yet some nations are losing their most valuable asset through female feticide and female infanticide.

Since children are unable to articulate and fight for their rights, they need adults to recognize, respect and claim their rights.

Working with parents to prevent and combat the practice of female infanticide and gender discrimination is especially important because the family is the fundamental unit of society.

The general concern is:

· Inform women about fetal development and the physical risks and psychological harm associated with female feticide. Health complications can include uterine perforation, depression, and anxiety disorders.

· Work at the grassroots level to educate parents about gender equality and the dangers of female infanticide.

Empower girls through increased access to education.

Eradicating female feticide and female infanticide requires not only institutional change at the international and national levels, but also a change in mentality and attitudes among people.