As parents or grandparents get older, family dynamics can change rapidly. Knowing when it’s time for adult children to make decisions can be difficult, but even more so if not everyone is on the same page. One way to make sure everyone is on board with what’s going on is to have a family meeting. However, if you’re not sure how to begin this discussion, here are a couple of tips from attorneys specializing in elder law.

Do you need help from an attorney specializing in elder law?

Most of the time, families don’t need any special help when starting a conversation about what will happen when their parents or grandparents are older. However, if your family members are losing their mental faculties or are unable to have a rational conversation, you may need the help of a lawyer to keep them safe. If you feel that your family member is unable to make their own decisions regarding their welfare, it is a good idea to contact an attorney who specializes in elder law. He or she will be able to guide you to the right choice, whether it is filing for guardianship or finding the right place for your parents or grandparents to live.

When to start a conversation about the future?

It is better to discuss the future when everyone is rational and can easily make decisions. This way, your parents can play an active role in decision-making, whether it’s about estate planning or health care decisions. If you notice that your parents or grandparents are having a harder time or are easily confused, it’s a good idea to get everyone together and discuss your options for the future, including who will care for your older family members. Keep in mind that these discussions can be stressful and difficult if your family members don’t agree on what needs to be done.

How to make decisions about driving?

Some seniors have been driving for decades and view their vehicles as their path to freedom, which can make it difficult to get out of behind the wheel. Many families have a hard time taking their keys off and it can be hard to know when to do it. If you are concerned about bringing this up with your family member, check your local laws to see if you can get help from the authorities. In Illinois, for example, drivers age 75 and older must take a driving test each time they renew their driver’s license. In addition, the license must be renewed every two years between the ages of 81 and 86 and every year after someone turns 87. If your family member is under these ages, consider contacting an attorney who specializes in elder law for guidance on how you can maintain them, and others. — safe on the roads.

If your loved ones are aging, it’s important to plan for the future. The best thing you can do is have open conversations about aging often and early. Knowing if you need the help of an elder law attorney, having an open conversation to make sure everyone is on the same page, and knowing when it’s time to take the keys away can help ensure that your elderly parent or grandparent is well taken care of as he or she. she gets old