To achieve this, you must know the pitfalls of failure by experiencing them, not staying in them, experiencing them and fully understanding them. The door to permanent success and universal work provision comes through temporary failures. The training itself, when taken wrongly, seems like a temporary failure and working to get it right. Reaching the final destination, then, requires this type of training always, even after arriving if you want to maintain your dominance.

What do you think all active teachers know anyway? They know that to stay on the master’s throne, they must train consistently after mastering.

In fact, permanent failure is laziness, permanent mastery is genuinely permanent work, but it is permanent success. Beyond the learning phase, you must maintain your skills to be a teacher to remain a teacher in other words. In this article, I’m also exploring the deeper applications of the saying and question, “We all love to win, but who loves to coach?”

To learn how to get anywhere, we must be fully prepared: warts, training, temporary failure in training, and everything to get to “the last word with ‘S'”: Success.

If we want success and mastery to last, be prepared to work vigilantly and masterfully with consistency. Sometimes in a second natural way, sometimes very consciously difficult, but mastery is work either way. In fact, nothing is free, everything at some level is earned, learned and understood. When you become a teacher, it is earned, learned, and fully understood, and anything other than a teacher or consistent winner working at it with experience is a poor fool, average person, or tramp trying to get ahead. . Sure, that may sound cruel and spartan, but I’m just saying how it really is, that it is everybody.

I’m also saying that the only “headache” for success and masterful reality is consistency if you want to keep it that way or remain a genuine, repeatable winner who wins consistently. That ultimately applies to everything: mental, physical, spiritual, and otherwise.

So, start thinking! If you want a universal provision that works consistently, don’t rely on luck, providence, or “wow, did I do it!”

Rely on real, genuine experience, understanding, and self-work that is consistent and really works. I remember something my dad used to say: “The best way is the honest way.” When consistency is genuinely considered, that is the reality of the whole situation.