When we travel and drive, we often do not take into account the vast infrastructure network that allows us to get from A to B with relative ease. Despite this, anyone can detect system faults with relative ease. In this article I will try to outline and explain the problems and relative luxuries we experience when we travel.

The first thing to keep in mind is that the towns are old, very old. When these were built and became centers of business and commerce, the idea of ​​constructing our buildings to accommodate large levels of cars and cargo was obviously not on the minds of city planners. The problem with having so many of our major cities built without taking into account the accommodation of future transportation infrastructure methods is that we end up with incredibly inefficient traffic management systems within towns and cities.

This problem is most evident when driving home at 5 p.m., where hundreds of cars are stuck in lines on single-lane roads to reach their respective residences. The problem with retrofitting this transportation infrastructure is not just the money it would cost to build and expand new roads; It is the fact that there are a large number of buildings and historic sites in the hands of private owners that would have to be flattened to optimize traffic management.

Considering the fact that these roads are owned and maintained by state or local authorities, it means that they are already operating on a limited budget, and buying large amounts of private property to make room for more roads is definitely not the best thing to do. . off your list, so it looks like this will be a problem we’ll never see the end of. We see this problem in London on a massive scale, with the introduction of the congestion charge, and with the new toll road scheme in mind, it is once again the nation’s workers who must pay the bill for inconsiderate property moguls. .

Despite all this negativity, our highways are an incredibly modernized approach to transportation and freight infrastructure. These systems, which often work hand in hand with our extensive railways, can ensure fast delivery of goods to destinations stretching from here to France. As is the nature of capitalism, the level of basic transportation infrastructure for commercial purposes is far superior to that available to the common man.