For end users, computer training has gotten a lot simpler these days. Training for all computer users starts from the operating system itself. Microsoft Help, Windows Help provides basic training for using Windows in your daily work. This also teaches the user to troubleshoot some basic hardware and software problems.

Gone are the days when people had to join institutes to understand technical problem solving and using computers. Now, in this age of advanced computing, we have in-home training. Several portals have materials for home users to understand computers and also work with computers. Several video sites like YouTube have videos that will guide you through every computer task. So now you don’t need to call Microsoft support, HP support, or Dell support for any how-to or minor issues and understanding of the software and its use.

Another novelty that is very famous these days is the assisted training where you stay at home and connect to the session and you have a virtual trainer available for you that will train you on computers. Several companies are also giving you these facilities. Microsoft’s virtual days are an initiative towards e-learning, which means technical support personnel or high-level developers. Microsoft has been using assisted training for a long time. In addition to virtual classrooms for professionals related to information technology, it also offers training to users of its operating system. He has posted videos for various operating systems, software, MS Office, and the rest of his software. Microsoft support can guide you through the same and will be able to share with you the appropriate video for your need.

Several other technical support companies have also launched their assisted training programs in which the end user will be taught a lot of software or operating systems. They also help you keep in touch with computers regularly to update you on recent developments.

There are various software provided by those companies to share whiteboards or also share the desks and other activities that occur on both computers. You even have a live coach available via video conferencing to help you learn the basics of computers. They also provide technical support for their products. Hardware manufacturers also provide this type of assisted training such as HP support, Dell support helps you and gives you the right resources or material so that you can understand and learn about computers.

So to get started with your computer training, first try looking for help in Microsoft Help, Windows Help, Microsoft Online Help, and Windows Online Help by just opening their articles or guided help tools. Then start learning from video sites like YouTube and still if you are struggling with the lessons, choose one of the assisted training programs and get on with that. Follow the training program and you will be the best coach in your city.