From the outside, it may seem that certain celebrities have it all. This is because the average celebrity can be talented, attractive, have a lot of money, and can be admired by millions of people around the world.

And when it comes to a celebrity like this, one might think they just got lucky and hit it big. That is, of course, unless one believes that someone like that is ‘special’.

In control

However, regardless of whether you think someone like that is lucky or special, you can see them as the one in charge of your life. Unlike the average person who has a boss telling him what to do, he will be the master of his own destiny.

This can be seen as something that occurs as a result of having so much money and power. Therefore, if they don’t want to do something, they won’t do it, and if they are not given this option, they can leave.

The only drawback

However, what might go through their mind is that even though they have so much going for them, what they can’t help but grow old. On top of this, one might be well aware that they will still experience losses.

So as much as your life is radically different from the life of the average person, there will be a number of things that will be the same. Ultimately, no matter how much money they have, they will not be able to have full control over what happens to them.

extreme pressure

One thing that someone like this can experience is a strong need to not only look good, but also to look young. The big problem with this is that their appearance will change over time, which means it’s impossible for them to look young forever.

Even so, this is not to say that they will not try to delay the inevitable by undergoing surgery or inserting chemicals into the skin. However, there will come a time when this approach will no longer suffice.

a heavy load

Getting older can be something that makes them worry about whether or not their fans will lose interest in them and they may fear that someone younger will take their place. Due to the pressure they experience, it can be difficult for them to enjoy what they have.

There may even be moments in your life when you think about how you would trade everything for a normal life; a life where they do not experience as much pressure or need to maintain a certain appearance. Sometimes, then, they can feel that their level of success has imprisoned them.

strongly attached

But, thanks to how long they’ve experienced life in this way, there’s a chance they don’t know who they are unless they’re famous. Not being famous would then be experienced as a loss and it would be as if they had died.

Being a world famous celebrity is not without its challenges; in fact, it can be a very empty existence. What may also cross their mind is that other people only like them based on the idea they have formed of them, not on who they really are as people.

Other side

With that being said, a celebrity may not actually have as much power as they seem to. The reason for this is that there may be people above them who have much more power than they do.

So while a celebrity may appear to be their own boss, they may simply be an employee. Compared to the average person, they may appear to be on top, but in reality, they may still be far below the people who wield a lot of influence over the planet.

Two jobs

That’s not to say that these people really have all the power; it’s just that so many people are kept in the dark. These people have all sorts of ways to keep the masses distracted and oblivious to what’s going on behind the scenes.

A celebrity may spend much of her life singing or acting, for example, and may be told that there are other things she will need to do. What this could mean is that they will have to agree with whatever narrative the establishment wants them to promote.

an important role

The job someone does as an actor or singer might just be a way to attract people. After all, if it weren’t for the fact that they looked good and were talented, there’s a good chance that very few people would pay attention to them.

For them to have as much influence as they do, it would have been necessary to make them into a god figure. It would have been clear that once this had happened, millions of people would happily accept what they say, no matter how crazy or irrational.


From the beginning, someone may have been told that the only way he would make it was if he was willing to lose himself to gain the world. Behaving in a way that is aligned with what other people want may have meant that they have lost touch with their true essence.

Their need to maintain their status could be all-consuming, which could mean they aren’t even aware of how this makes them compromise who they are. Then again, they could only be aware of what would happen if they exercised their own will.


It’s been said that things aren’t always what they seem, and this might be an apt saying when it comes to certain celebrities. These people are just human beings; They are not gods or goddesses.


Putting someone like that on this level doesn’t make any sense. The only way it can make sense is if someone is projecting a lot of things onto these people and can’t see them as just human beings.