While it is possible, for a short period, for groups, organizations or public entities to succeed, despite the direction and quality of their leaders, in the longer term, success, relevance and sustainability, often/usually depends on the ability to conceive, create and implement a well-considered action plan, based on dedication, professionally designed strategic planning. To be a true leader, one must commit to following quality guidance. PLAN, based on the specific needs, heritage, perceptions and priorities, of the specific entity. With that in mind, this article will briefly attempt to consider, examine, review and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, why this matters and is important.

1. priorities; stages; perceptions; planning; process: One must pay close attention, and effectively listen and learn, what constitutes the need and want, and their perceptions, and focus on addressing them, consistently and effectively! This should direct, to emphasize, relevant priorities, effectively, focused and proceeding, realistically, relevant, sustainable, well considered! The level of planning must be based on proceeding, step by step, gradually introducing the best approaches, strategies and action plan! If one wishes to be successful, one must consistently respect and appreciate the necessary process!

2. Hear; learn; major: Instead of emphasizing the sound of their own voices (which, for many, is their favorite sound), great leaders consistently and persistently listen and learn effectively from every conversation and experience, so they can proceed with genuine empathy. , and with the appropriate and relevant emphasis! You cannot lead without addressing the perceptions, needs, goals, and priorities of those you are meant to serve and represent!

3. Attitude; fitness; attention; action plan: One needs a positive, can-do attitude, combined with a relevant aptitude and skill set, if one is to be able to pay close attention to what is needed and needed most! It is never enough to simply make empty promises and use rhetoric when outlining, devising, creating and implementing the best and most relevant action plan!

4. Needs; highly strung; niche; shades: Leadership must be based on addressing real, sustainable and relevant needs, and a leader must have the courage to proactively move forward, when lesser individuals procrastinate and fail to act! Every group is different, in a certain way, so one must understand and approach the specific niche, using whatever nuance may be necessary and necessary!

Are you ready, willing and able to conceive, create, develop and implement the best possible, PLAN, for the group you serve and represent? Are you up for the task?